

Barbershop in Alabama defies cease & desist order; receives $500 fine

Barbershop in Alabama defies cease & desist order; receives $500 fine

April 28, 20201 min read

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Joel Edwards, a barber in Mobile, Alabama decided to say “enough is enough” and safely reopened his shop in defiance of the State’s “Stay-at-Home” order.After weeks of being shutdown, he could no longer afford to obey the tyrannical orders.

He and his partners thoroughly sanitized the shop and took appropriate measures to ensure the health and safety of their customers.

And of course, the customers who came in did so voluntarily – they chose to accept whatever risk there may be and patronize Mr. Edward’s business.

So what happened?

The City of Mobile’s Public Safety Director James Barber walked into the store and threatened to arrest Mr. Edwards and charge him with violating the governor’s order… for giving haircuts!

Mr. Edwards was forced with an impossible choice: face economic ruin or go to jail.

That is the same choice countless Americans are faced with right now.

If we don’t act now, we may never recover. That’s why the Republican Liberty Caucus is asking you to do the following:

  • Sign our petition to governors across the country demanding they End the ‘Emergency’ Power Grabs and #ReOpenAmerica.

  • Share this post with other patriots who want to fight this tyranny.

  • Call your elected officials and demand they reopen our country!

Please join us as we fight to #ReOpenAmerica and End the ‘Emergency’ Power Grabs by doing the three things above.

And once you have done those things, please chip in $50 or $25 to the Republican Liberty Caucus so we can mobilize as many patriots as possible to get our country back to work.

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Matt Nye

Matt Nye is an innovative entrepreneur and political activist with more than 30 years experience in finance and technology. Nye founded the Republican Liberty Caucus of Central East Florida (RLCCEF) in 2008, organized the Brevard Tea Parties in 2009 and currently serves as the National Chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus. Nye is a frequently sought expert on subjects like taxes, regulation, waste, fraud, abuse and transparency.

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The Republican Liberty Caucus is a 527 voluntary grassroots membership organization dedicated to working within the Republican Party to advance the principles of individual rights, limited government and free markets. Founded in 1991, it is the oldest continuously-operating organization within the Liberty Republican movement.

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