We are pleased to announce Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky will be the keynote speaker at the 2021 RLC Biennial Convention. Rep. Massie has been an outspoken critic of the government response to COVID-19 and was the only representative in Congress with the courage to stand against the madness and ask that the first $2 trillion relief bill be given an actual hearing and roll call vote.
Join us at the Rosen Centre in Orlando, Florida, on June 26th & 27th as we “Breathe Life Back Into Liberty”. If you’re a grassroots leader in the Liberty Movement, this is a can’t miss event. Other speakers include:
Rep Byron Donalds, US Congress, Florida District 39
Rep Anthony Sabatini, Florida House District 32
Tina Descovich, Co-Founder Moms for Liberty
Kim Klacik, President Red Renaissance PAC
Heather Wagenhals, Unlock Your Wealth Foundation
Matt Nye, RLC National Chair
John Dennis, RLC Vice-Chair & Chairman of the Republican Party of San Francisco
Bob White, RLC of Florida Chair
You can learn more about the program details here, and register here!
We have also secured a special group room rate with the Rosen Centre of $124. Call (407) 996-9840 and mention group code “RLC” or book online here. The Rosen Centre is sold out, but they are overflowing us to the Rosen Shingle Creek which is only five minutes away.
© Republican Liberty Caucus
The Republican Liberty Caucus is a 527 voluntary grassroots membership organization dedicated to working within the Republican Party to advance the principles of individual rights, limited government and free markets. Founded in 1991, it is the oldest continuously-operating organization within the Liberty Republican movement.
Contact us: [email protected]